Habitat Project

Meacham Creek Floodplain Restoration and In-stream Enhancement RM 6-7

The Meacham Creek Floodplain Restoration and In-stream Enhancement Project is one component of a holistic approach to watershed restoration on a 176 square mile basin 23 miles east of Pendleton in Umatilla County.

The Meacham Creek Floodplain Restoration and In-stream Enhancement Project is one component of a holistic approach to watershed restoration on a 176 square mile basin 23 miles east of Pendleton in Umatilla County. Project components removed and modified spur dikes and levees in the floodplain; created a new channel and moved the stream back into its historic channel alignment while reconnecting it to its historic floodplain. Other project features include incorporating in-stream habitat features like log and rock structures to create pool habitat; treat invasive weeds; and revegetate disturbed construction sites with native plants. Overall goals were to restore hydrology and physical and ecological function within the project reach, accompanying riparian and wetland communities, and to create high quality fish & wildlife habitat.

First Foods this project targets


River Vision Touchstones this project targets

Aquatic Biota
Riparian Vegetation

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