Habitat Project

Meacham Creek Assessment

An assessment of past and current stream conditions for Meacham Creek

One purpose of this study is to provide an assessment of past and current stream conditions for Meacham Creek and compare these with conditions for two reference streams that have had minimal disturbance. These conditions include channel and valley geometry, channel substrate, water temperature and quality, riparian vegetation, and specific fish habitat features such as deep pools and large wood. The other purpose of this study is to develop and prioritize recommendations for restoring and enhancing hydrologic processes, water quality, geomorphic stability, and salmonid habitat in Meacham Creek.

Project Lead: CTUIR

First Foods this project targets


River Vision Touchstones this project targets

Aquatic Biota
Riparian Vegetation

No funders found.

File Library

Title File Description
Meacham Creek Climate Change Risk Assessment 2016MeachamCrClimateChangeRiskAssessment_CTUIR_2016.pdfUploaded file MeachamCrClimateChangeRiskAssessment_CTUIR_2016.pdf
Meacham Creek Watershed Assessment and Action Plan 2003MeachamCrWatershedAnalysisActionPlanReport_CTUIR_Apr2003.pdfUploaded file MeachamCrWatershedAnalysisActionPlanReport_CTUIR_Apr2003.pdf
Meacham Creek Watershed Assessment and Action Plan 2003MeachamCrWatershedAssessmentActionPlanSummary_CTUIR_Apr2003.pdfUploaded file MeachamCrWatershedAssessmentActionPlanSummary_CTUIR_Apr2003.pdf

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